Wednesday, January 1, 2014

some more gift cards and calendars from 2013

Card for Glenn, Cover. Context: He is into math/science and he has two cats.
Card for Glenn, Interior. This is an illustration of cats' visual neural pathways, as compared to frogs'.

Card for Susan
Calendar for Lara (images are mostly from Nikki McClure)

Birthday card for Hilary

Pillowcase for Erin F.

Calendar for Sam
Card for Jackie?
Wedding Card for Jim and Jovanie, finally legally wed in California after 16 years
I made this card out a chopstick wrapper I kept in my craft supplies box for years. I know there is a serious danger of becoming a hoarder and clutterer when you keep chopstick wrappers but I loved the geometrical design and now it is art that I gave to someone else and is no longer in my house. So there.